short meaning of Performing arts

Performing arts

Performing arts are these forms of art in which individual people perform separately or together .the artist own body ,face and presence  is needed for the performing .performing art diffuse from the plaster art, which use material such as clay metal or paint which can be molded  or transformed .in this category of  performing art .we have dance ,music ,opera ,drama ,magic ,oratory and circus arts (Wikipedia)

In another sense, performing art is defined as a form creative activity that is performed in front of an audience, which includes drama, music and dance. Performing art are highly political and actively immense one in cutting –edge inter-disciplinary practice which prepares them to face the harsh realities .art is veraciously involving imaginative technical skill .in their most general form these activities include the production of works of art and the criticism of art, they study of the history of art ,and the aesthetic discrimination of art .(Merab Yta 113 )

In the Nigeria contest, performing art include masquerading, dancing, music ,festival ,drama ,rituals e.t.c

Festivals one fervent ordinary celebrated by the community and centering on some characters aspect of that community and it religion or cultures. It is often marked as an local or national holiday. In another instance, a festival  is a day or tome of the year when  people have a holiday from work  and celebrate some special event often a religious event (Collins dictionary )
  Drama and dance presentation which are an aspect of the performing art plays an integrally role in festival as often. According to Jegede, festival as performing art is an art veritable communal art which bring    together productive diction ,creative ideal, community     development aesthetics    which are partly  sacred (religious )and partly scholars some time profane (Jotams, 54 ). Because of the collective Euphoria which characterized festival as it allows the intertwining   of the sacred and profane (secular). Since there is usually a suspension of the rule and norms of ordinary life and such festivals produces   an occasional avenue for the community to seek a change in their live and destines.

    According to the united nations education and social culture organization (UNESCO), Music is seen as the most universal  of the performing art and is found in every society, most time as on integral part of other performing arts forms and other domain of the intangible culture heritage including rifuecus  festive event or oral traditional. It can be found in both verifedie d  and druese forms lerther in sacred  or secular, classical or popular culture that  are closely  connected to works or entertainment .beyond  the rhetioncs of the entertainment and worship  music is also used to    recount the political and economic history of the people such as parse singing for an important figure and exchange in the political training
In all every aspect of the performing arts one bought together in order to declive a price of theatrical  performance since theatre employs acting singing ,dancing and music dialogue ,narration or recitation but may also include puppertry  or pantomime .the bane of this is that  the varies forms of performing arts means more they play very cricpleal roles in culture  and the society such as songs sing whole crying out agriculture works  or must that is part of rifual musical instrument masks ,costume and other body decoraforns used in dance and the scenenry and props of theatre .
Every performing art is performed in a specitice place bult  predominarthy  for the purpose of the performing art such as theatre hall event centre culture centeres and even standiums or only other  founder space

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