meaning and strategies for improving local Government FINICAL BASE WAITER BY ONA,AMIGHA,AHAMA /political science 2018/2019


Local government finance is one of the aspect of public finance .it deals with the generation of revenue, expenditure and utilization of financial resource in the order to bring  the impact of government closer to the people at the grassroots
 .put different finance is essential in put different finance is essential in enabling local government transform the lives of the rural drivellers through the provision of social service and rural infrastructure like the construction and maintenance of rural road, market, school heath center e.t.c  despite the fact that the funding of local government in Nigeria is an important aspect of fiscal  federalism and  inter government relation, it has  suffered setback ,this circumventing development of the grassroots .this ugly trend is usually associated with or provoked by certain underlying factor like over dependence on statutory allocations from the federation  account corruption tax evasion from citizen at the grassroots ,creation of non –viable  local government comical. in term of the capacity to generate finance internally and effective utilized it for development purpose and lack of finance autonomy .this, the  paper is an attempt to prefect some possible ways of improving  local government finance base in Nigeria within  the purviews of fiscal federalism as enshrined in the 1999 constitution of the federal republic of Nigeria as amended  2011
 .financial viability backed up by effective management, public  accountability, fiscal autonomy ,staff motivation and servant leadership attitude among politicians are imperative in building capacity at the grassroots for legitimacy of   creation and sustainable development local government administration in Nigeria have been characterized by the bazaar mentality  poor accounting system unavailability of the reliable data required for planning ,over-revenue collection greed unnecessary government  interference, lack  of direction and corruption ,hence the following strategies  if employ will help to improve the finance base of the various local government and they are as follows

  • 1 The issue of state joint local government account as contain in the 199 constitution  of the federal republic of Nigeria as amended 2011, which give room for the state to injack and starve local government in their jurisdiction the need funds for    project implementation and rural development, should  be check if possible stopped .in view of the above challenges  it is  the position of the RMAFE that local government should be granted fiscal allocations form the federation account directly to the local government
  • 2  the financial base of local government can be improved through budgeting and budgeting control in the local government ,these can be achieve through establishment of an effective budgetary control mechanism to ensure the existence of a sound financial planning and control which is privately for suetanble   growth and development especially at the grassroots .budgetary control involves periodic comparison of    actually expenditure with planned expenditure and whether budgetary disbursement is in compliance with the provision of the financial regulation and other relevant financial authority in the country .this Nigeria local government must embark on aninual budget monitoring and evaluation to ascertain the level of local budget performance. the result  of this aniual budget monitoring and evaluation exercise will provide the need statistical input for the preparation of a more functional budget in the subsequent or succeeding year.
  • 3  in most local government in the country disbursement of funds is based on political need instead of appropriation .an appropriation is law passed by the legislature authorizing expenditure for a subsequent  financial year or defined period .local government should ensure that funds allocated to various project under different  sub head in the appropriation are utilized for their intended purpose
  • 4 the revenue collecting sector of the local government should be overhauled .only qualified office with proven integrity should be responsible for collecting revenue and mum adequately remunerated and made to be incorruptible.
  • 5 local government should invest on mass transit transportation businesses that will be well managed, coordinated and accounted for petrel filling station established commercial farms ,nursery school, housing estate  and day –cake that has the potential of generating revenue
  • 6 the central state government should allow the local government to to raise loan more easily form institution and public spirited financial
  • 7   the local people should be enlightened to play their rates (tax) regularly
  • 8 grant form central government and local rate should be increased  
  • 9 Regular auditing of the account of the local government should be carryout .


Financial, whether  form internal or external source is important in local government administration .there is no meaningful project that can be executed without adequate financial .the external revenue generation is major source of local government finance .in fact no local government can survived without external revenue generation ,particularly from   the statutory allocations .it is therefore important for local government to be more active in developing avenue for generating   revenue such as investment in capital project that are likely to appreciate and capacity building  animed at generating returns on investment made. The ideal of local government being to tide to monthly statutory allocation should be dropped. They must  explore the   innovative approach of generating revenue internally there sources are mass transit transportation that is well managed ,coordinate and accounted for petrel filling station establishment of commercial farm ,nursery school and day care that has the potential of generating revenue .establishment  of endowment funds etc. under interference  in the financial of local government council by the federal and state government should be checked and final the situation where state government control local government comical and direct them how to spend their money through programmes. packaged  and handed down to them should be stopped

  1. Reference
  2. 1 prof B.c nwankwo (phd)(1999)in government Nigeria and world politics in focus.Abbet book limited
  3. 2 Ajayi,k(2000)theory and practice of local government .Ado-Ekiti; university  of ado Ekiti
  4. 3 Journal of good governance and subtaninable  development in Africa ,vol2,no1,jan,2014 website http; issn 2346-725x(print)issn:2354-158x(online)
  5. 4 king .m.c.(1988)localism and nation building .ibadan spectrum books.
  6. 5 government and prognosis for action in democratic Era 1999-2013

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