five reason why relationship is strong The power of female friendships

If you’ve been out with your girlfriends, the end of the night is often punctuated by this: "Text me when you get home!" For lots of us, it’s as natural as saying 'bye', 'talk soon', or 'seeya later'. For New York-based journalist Kayleen Schaefer, that moment shared between girlfriends felt powerful enough to write a whole book about. In her book Text Me When You Get Home, where she fiercely celebrates the power and glory of female friendships, Kayleen says "text me when you get home" is really just another way of saying, "I love you". Skip Animated GifFireFox NVDA users - To access the following content, press 'M' to enter the iFrame. "Saying, text me when you get home, that is on its face about safety, it’s about protecting your friend. It’s more than that, but that’s the surface for sure," Kayleen told Hack. "I think women just understand that we’re vulnerable in a way that you can’t understand unless you’ve been in a female body." From ‘Mean Girls’ to each other’s rocks In Text Me, Kayleen looks at the pop culture stereotypes that have muddied the image of what female friendships can be: the mean girls, the catty girls, the girls who’ll always put their boyfriends first. TExt me when you get home "People may not think that women are there for each other, but we are, and this is how we tell each other that. Which is why we say text me when you get home. We’re worrying about each other in that very private way.” Kayleen says her book is about about how she realised how her female friends weren’t just at the periphery of her life story: they were at its heart. "The women I love are like a life raft I didn’t know I was looking for before I got on it," Kayleen writes. "Our friendships… are supportive, enthralling, entirely wonderful, and, often, all we need." Kayleen says we’re starting to see pop culture look - and celebrate - female friendships on screen. "I think we’re seeing movies about a very interesting relationship that hasn’t been looked at, which is just how women relate to each other and how we support our friends. "It hasn’t really been looked at [before now], whereas the romantic relationship has been looked at ad nauseum." With more appreciation of female friendships on screen and in real life, Kayleen says she hopes that being someone’s BFF can be given the recognition it deserves. "I think people are told to confide in your romantic partner, your romantic partner should be your best friend. "But she can love you and your best friend at the same time, and that doesn’t take anything away from your relationship. "I’m not trying to say that female friendships are more important than romantic relationships, I’m just trying to say them on the same level."

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