How To Start up a blog with your smartphone 2019

it has come to our notice every body want to make online money, but  the Robles is  they dont know when to start, now we are going to teach you step by step to make online money in you house with your smart phone or laptop   that

                                          number one is website or blogging 
Start up your own website  or blog but for me i may say that blogging is better then website because website is only made for company or school  and is hard to operate  while blogging is easy depend you Owen point of views   so let go on and know the meaning of blogging and what is all about 

BLOGGING can be see in may way by many scholars of internet dom ,now in my Owen point of views  blogging is all about share information ,like news,event share you ideal online and given information to sec.we need to know the types of blog website or html that you will used in building up your blog 

Starting a website with Bluehost takes less than 20 minutes, costs hardly anything and can be done by an 82 year-old. It only takes a bit of plugging on social media to get your first visitors, and there are plenty of ways to monetise your site.

Save the Student is just one example of a successful website, started at university by Owen Burek in his first year, which has since grown into a full-time and sizable enterprise.
Read Owen's step-by-step 
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